“The scale doesn’t show the number I wished for, but in all other aspects of my life, it shows.”
When it comes to ones health and fitness journey – it can be about more than just the scale, that’s just one variable to look at.
Sonya has been with Helena Health Club since day one, she’s utilized different services and classes along the way to finding a fitness and lifestyle routine that works for her goals and needs. Most journeys are filled with lessons and set-backs, vary rarely will it be a straight, easy, path. Keep up the great work Sonya!!!
As a high school and college athlete, I always found exercise in my life without knowing it was present. But as time progressed and family and children came into the picture, exercise was no longer really visible within my day. It was during this period that I realized the need to find some time for myself and time to work out, and how important that is for my overall health. Not only did I want to be physically stronger, but mentally as well.
I soon found that running in my neighborhood and counting calories wasn’t the answer for me. That is when I decided to join the Helena Health Club. What I found was not just a workout class and not just a gym; but a group of people who wanted to see me succeed with my goals, to coach and encourage me to push myself at times when I would have quit, if on my own. I love all aspects of the gym; from the classes, to childcare, to the kind and warm front desk staff who greet me each morning. For me, I need to always be able to workout with others and that is why I enjoy the classes so much. The trainer JJ is amazing. She is able to teach an entire class, yet have it so tailored to each individual person that every workout is just for you.
I’m still tweaking my nutrition and enjoy having Fit Five Meals to pick up on those busy weeks or when I don’t want to have to think about meals, portions, or clean-up. I have lost weight and always wanted to see a certain number on the scale. I now realize that is not what is important. The scale doesn’t show the number I wished for, but in all other aspects of my life it shows. My clothes fit better, I have more energy, I sleep better and feel better, and I am so much stronger than before. Thanks to Helena Health Club, I am so happy with where I am. So, all of this for me doesn’t seem like a success story but a routine that is just part of my life, which I look forward to each day. It’s all similar to my teenage years, when I look back now, because I never thought of that as exercise, it was just something fun to do.